Thursday, April 29, 2010

I Bluster and so does the Wind

Ahhhh....Well today wasn't all bad. How's that for positive? I did the grocery shopping, sent off two packages (A returned birthday gift and a pair of shoes that were going to change the world for me. Sigh...), dentist appt, and a rendez-vous at BJ's to get a new phone for daughter #2. Then on to Michael's for a new sketchbook, the pet store for rabbit pretzel sticks (don't ask), and Barnes and Noble for an iced coffee and the latest magazine which happened to be the new issue of"Artful Blogging". Returned home and decided it was way too blustery to work in the garden so I headed directly to the studio where I commenced pondering deep thoughts and worked on a journal page. At some point my deep thoughts wore me out and I grabbed my camera and headed outside. There I admired my Bergenia blossoms and wondered whether the big old poplar was going to come crashing down and hit the hot tub. The last wind storm left it at a distinct tilt, so every time I go into the back garden, I feel the need to keep an eye on that tree. One of the working cats and I headed to the wood line to take a look at the base of the tree. With every blast of wind, the base looked liked a big set of lungs heaving in and out. Still it's now 10:15 and the tree still hasn't toppled. Working cat Binx decided to take his effort elsewhere and practiced scaling the trellis at the garden entrance. Dinner ended up at the local eatery due to an online conversation with daughter #1 and my lack of culinary motivation. I dined on a mongo portion of eggplant parmesan, 1/2 of it will be lunch tomorrow, and split a lovely tiramisu with daughter #4. The husband was awarded one spoonful for good behavior.

Saturday, April 24, 2010

Good Weather Guilt

Busy! Busy! Trying to keep up with both artwork, gardening, reading and blogging and I haven't done well with any of them. Keeping up that is... Spring time always makes me feel a bit overwhelmed. So many things to do. I always feel that if it's a beautiful day, I should be outside working even though I have loads of things to do inside. It just dawned on me the other day that the only one expecting me to be outside in the garden all day is-me! I mean how silly is that? I don't have to spend ALL day gardening. I can parcel my day out like I have been doing all winter. I think I've been treating myself like a child. Scolding myself saying what all mothers tell their children on sunny days, "It's a beautiful day! Go outside! Stop a. sitting in front of the computer/TV, or b. stop reading."That mom guilt lasts a long time. So this is what I have done.
I have finally planted my tomato seeds. They are several weeks late but I think they will catch up in the end. I have done the extra credit drawing of Jonathan Rhys Meyers as King Henry and as a bonus-seriously disturbed daughter #4 who now thinks I have a crush on him. I have finished reading Coupon Mom (got to get those deals!) and a young adult novel called The Roar. And here I am typing a post, so I guess I am making headway. Now I just have to remember to put in cooking, cleaning, and work. LOL!
Good King

Tuesday, April 20, 2010

Some Days...

 This weekend was cold rainy and basically yuck. I spent two days hunkered down in the studio drawing faces, faces, and more faces. I ended up in the old armchair in front of my computer watching Akira Kurosawa's Dreams, hoping that a fox wedding would get me motivated.I eventually created two drawings that I sent in for critique. Monday I was at work all day so there was no time to practice and today I spent cleaning the house (I found my earring!), taking photos of daughter # 3's art project for her portfolio, and once again solving cell phone issues. (What do they do with them?) I will strive for sketching excellence tomorrow and hopefully plant my tomato seeds to rid myself of gardener's guilt.Well after trying 5 minutes to move these to the bottom of the post-I give up. Some days you just aren't meant to succeed.

Thursday, April 15, 2010

Long day today. Daughter # 4 was celebrating her 17th birthday and headed off to school with reminders to me about making her birthday feast. I managed to roll out of bed before "Ellen" came on and headed downstairs for breakfast.The weather was gorgeous so instead of taking my walk I headed straight to the garden to work at raking out the last sections of the vegetable/herb garden. Why o why are there so many leaves? Couldn't they have blown into the neighbor's yard? He doesn't believe in mowing or raking anyway.Worked in there for about an hour then headed into the studio for an hour of sketching before heading off to a massage appointment. Had a lovely pummelling and was given the gift of a mini facial. Now I'm not much of a spa gal. I get my hair done and I love my massages but the whole mani- pedi thing and facials don't ring my bell. I need to work with my hands. They usually have paint bits and dirt under the nails. I suppose polish would hide all that but it seems like such a waste. After that I trotted off to the local stamping store to pick up some supplies and then back home to start the feast. Daughter #4 wanted the chicken spaghetti out of the Pioneer Woman's cookbook and the chocolate bread pudding out of one of Paula Deen's. A big salad rounded that off and then the new 17 yr old headed off to her room with her brand new pokemon game and prima guide. I guess I don't have worry about her growing up too fast...LOL.

Tuesday, April 13, 2010

Flamingo Time!

It's springtime and the rare wire-legged pink flamingos have returned to New Hampshire!  Naw, just kidding. Daughter #3 was having a photo shoot for her portfolio last weekend and she left her friends behind. They don't look half bad. I kind of enjoy looking out the window and seeing a splash of hot pink in the backyard. Well Sunday I finally got my homework uploaded to class after much computer spinning and  hassle. I think it's time to upgrade soon. I'm starting to have problems adding applications and stuff cause this baby just doesn't have enough get up and go. Daughter #4 was complaining about the family computer also. Apparently our version of office ('97!) is ancient and no longer compatible with the high school's software. I hope we can tough it out till she graduates. Just one more year please! So I was working on one last piece for the "Goddess and Poet" class before I venture on to "Piety and Passion" and the Tudors! This gal started off with a turban and ended up somewhat Asian. I still have some shabbifying (is that a word?) to do and I'm still messing around with journal pages. So many started projects and no order to finish them. I think I should make a master list so I know what's going on.

Thursday, April 8, 2010

I Can't Get No Motivation

A gloomy day...It's hard to get motivated when only yesterday we were frolicking through the gardens with 80* weather and  a nice breeze. Sigh...Ah well, today I'm down in the studio after a brief run to the mall to buy a new charger for daughter #3's cell phone. I've already bought a new battery. Hopefully this will fix it. So much for equipment protection. By the time I get this sent off to her I might as well of bought her a new phone. So now I'm trying to figure out how to manage my time, create more artwork, and generally be more efficient and productive all around. Talk about overwhelming... I've started reading "I'd  Rather be in the Studio" by Stanfield but I'm thinking I don't need a business plan yet.  More of a kick in the pants to get going and concentrate. I'm scattered all over the place.. What to do first? Gardening, cleaning, artwork, blogging, bill paying, grocery shopping, reading, photography? Arrgh! Daughter #2 just said to me, "I thought you were going to do some artwork?" Guilty as charged.
Or This?

Saturday, April 3, 2010

A Lovely day in the Neighborhood...

Had to work from 10 to 2 today but before and after that I was in the garden.It was so lovely out before I left for the library, I couldn't resist. So I got dressed, put on outdoor shoes with work shoes ready to go and did some time outdoors. I opened up the potting shed and aired out that funky mousy smell it gets during the winter. I then took my mini rake and began raking out another  bed. At 9:30 I switched shoes and went with the husband to work with a quick stop at Dunkin' D's.  Four hours of people telling me how lovely it was outside and I'm back in my garden again- this time in jeans, tennis shoes, and a cami. Daughter #1 arrives home from NYC and immediately takes off with friend. I am not amused. Daughter #2 goes to work and #'s 3 and 4 take off to the beach with #3's boyfriend. I continue gardening and the husband heads off to the woods for a round of chainsawing. Hours later husband takes break and comes to show me all his work.. I admire and then turn around to head back and notice that the 70ft lollipop aspen at the edge of our woods has taken a distinct slant towards our backyard.In fact it looks like it could topple over at any minute. I think with the combo of the high winds of the last few storms and all the rain we have had, it had started to uproot. I think when it leafs out it will be so top heavy that it might join us in the hot tub for a post garden soak. More raking tomorrow!  Happy Easter!

Thursday, April 1, 2010

Oh What A Beautiful Morning...

Hamish at rest

Al adventuring

Potting shed and unraked beds

Empty patio
Went out to get the paper this morning and was greeted by sun, sparkling dew, and blooming crocuses. Time to test out the new camera.I ate my breakfast and got ready for my walk and slung my camera around my neck. Was wondering whether or not to bring it but daughter  #2 pointed out that if I didn't I would regret it. I ended up taking some pix of a neighboring stream but was in a hurry to get back to my own yard. I took a few shots of the extremely naked garden and headed into the woods to check out our own stream. Working cats Al and Hamish accompanied me.  Hamish was very blase about the beautiful spring day, but Al was bursting with energy and fascinated by the swift  moving little stream. We hung around for a while and headed back to the garden where I was out raking beds till 6:30 this evening. OK I admit it.  I took a break to go get some fried clam strips. It was opening day at The Haven. But I didn't get the coffee frappe!