Wednesday, March 31, 2010

Rain. What else?

Geesh. Enough already with the rain. The ground is saturated. I am saturated and am thinking fondly of desert landscapes and reminiscing about last October's visit to New Mexico. No rain there. On the positive side, I have spent a lot of time in the studio working on projects. I've been messing around with several journal pages and one more goddess. I'm thinking of her as St. Brigit but I think she needs some wording on her or a celtic cross on her forehead. Still have a under drawing for a painting I need to do. Need to persuade myself to work on it. Blank canvas is scary.

Thursday, March 25, 2010

Off to the Show!

The other day I found out that the Mass Horticultural Society was putting on their flower show again. It wasn't as big as the old New England Garden show but almost in its new incarnation. It's now called the Boston Flower and Garden show and it last only 5 days as opposed to the week the old one ran. So I managed to convince the husband to take a personal day and accompany me to the show. I think he knew his true role was chauffeur, baggage handler and bearer of the coffee while I took pictures of my favorites. Daughter #3 also came along with her camera and a hidden agenda of stopping at DSW on the way back. So we oohed and ahhed and dodged the multitude of seniors with walkers and canes. I purchased a copper rain chain? from one of the vendors to put on my potting shed. When we arrived home, it was down to the studio to finish up some projects for Suzi Blu's class.

Tuesday, March 23, 2010

Seeds of Destruction & Cat-astrophe

I really really hate bagels with seeds. Poppy seed, sesame seed-everything bagels. Don't get me wrong-I love the bagels themselves. There's nothing better than a bagel with butter and cream cheese and a glass of white wine when you're just too tired to cook.. It's those nasty little seeds that get everywhere that I hate.. Poppy seeds in the bed, on the counter, on the floor, refusing to rinse out of the sink. They just won't disappear. I would be very happy with just onion bagels but the husband and daughters would rebel. Sigh...
Anyway one of the working cats spent a little overtime on hazardous duty last night.. The husband had reported seeing a big critter around when we went to round up the cats the other night so we had been trying to get them in early. However some cats are over dedicated to their rodent round up jobs. Daughter #2 came in from work last night asking if the cats were all in because she had seen a coyote outside. Horrors! We all went out for a rescue mission 'cause Al had refused to come in. Daughter #3 went into an immediate decline, already mourning the loss of her cat. I must admit I wasn't very hopeful as I trudged around the woods in my PJ's , winter boots, and flashlight, whistling and calling"Here kitty!" Just as we decided to give up and head back into the warmth and light, I heard a little chirp behind me and there he was-wondering what all the fuss was...
Today's artistic small step will be to open the bottle of ink and drip it on my painting (we are talking really small steps here). Let's hope I accomplish my mission. I guess no picture today as Daughter #4 made off with my camera...

Saturday, March 20, 2010

Extreme Gardening

I think I was a little bit too extreme in the garden today. It was in the 60's, sunny, and I didn't have to go to work. So I spent from 10:30 am to 5:00 pm raking out the front garden. Brought the rabs out for an airing. Tickled several cats that were in the way of my rake and raked and pulled excess plants till my back and hands couldn't take it any longer. I've got to say it was the first time I actually made money gardening. I found a dollar in the middle of the rose bush LOL. Several bulbs were up and this little guy too. The plan is to do the front then work my way to the back. I've just got two more sections up front to go. The bad news is that the black-eyed susans are really taking over. Who knew those gals were so aggressive? Need to lay some discipline on them. So now I'm back in the studio trying to recover. Got my package from Dick Blick with my acrylic inks from Liquitex, water soluble oil pastels, and lots more gesso. Let the games begin!

Wednesday, March 17, 2010

Finishing Up

Well I think I'm done with my Virgin Mary goddess. Every time I pass by it, I do something else. Scratch out a halo, add a little more oil pastel, do those vampy lips need toning down with pencil? When do you stop? When do you know when you are finished? It's a hard decision to make and usually I decide not to decide. Wishy washy I know but I like to leave my options open. Everybody needs a little improvement now and then. I find myself nowadays coming back to paintings and projects that I haven't looked at for years. Maybe it's because I have more time now that I don't have four little girls running around shrieking with their Barbies and my little ponies or maybe it's because I have matured and are better at time management and organization? I think not. LOL. It sounded like a very adult thing to say though.. Here is the latest version of my BVM.

Sunday, March 14, 2010

Soldering Fool

It's horrible no good very bad rainy day outside, but perfect for working in the studio. I'm trying to complete my goddess painting for Suzi Blu's class. I was supposed to have it in on Friday but after that evening's jaunt, I felt a little less than ready. I blame it all on evil companions. Anyway today I tried to burn my quote into the wood of my painting. Unfortunately I had no wood burning tool but the husband did find his soldering iron. He took over the burning cause I had an overwhelming desire to grip the tip. Didn't come out quite as I had planned. I thought the letters would be darker. Maybe that's because we used a soldering iron...

Friday, March 12, 2010

A Tale of Many Annes

After work today, I went with coworker and cohort Annemarie to a reception at the mill building where her studio is located. A local watercolor artist (another Ann) was showing her work. She had some wonderful flower paintings and several collage type assemblages which she described as recycling work that had gone wrong. Annemarie had met her earlier at the building's trade fair. We went to sign in the guest book and Annemarie told me that I should write my name first. I looked in the book and saw about four Annes' prior to us. Afterwords we walked over to Blue Latitudes where I promptly broke my lenten vow and ordered a martini and contemplated the overabundance of Annes in the area. Problem wasn't solved but the martini was good and the outing fun and inspiring. But now I am wondering what is the plural of Anne? Is it Anne's, Annes', or Annes?

Thursday, March 11, 2010

Greetings and Salutations!

Well now, March is a great time for new beginnings and new blogs. Here In NH we are getting a preview of spring-like weather. I hesitate to say that Spring is actually here because there is every chance that we will get smacked down by a snowstorm in mid April. Even so, I have ordered my seeds from Cook's Garden and Pinetree seeds and my herb plants from Richter's. Now I just have to get some of those seeds planted and put under the lights. The cats of Working Cat Studio have been busy patrolling the grounds for invading rodents and working inside by warming my sketch pad and keyboard. It's difficult drawing and typing around chubby cats. I intend to use this blog for creative accountability in hopes that it will hold my feet to the proverbial fire and help me get some projects done. Right now I'm signed up for the Goddess and Poets class at Suzi Blu's Les Petit Academy and am having a great time with the assignments, one of which is due tomorrow, so off I go!