Saturday, March 20, 2010

Extreme Gardening

I think I was a little bit too extreme in the garden today. It was in the 60's, sunny, and I didn't have to go to work. So I spent from 10:30 am to 5:00 pm raking out the front garden. Brought the rabs out for an airing. Tickled several cats that were in the way of my rake and raked and pulled excess plants till my back and hands couldn't take it any longer. I've got to say it was the first time I actually made money gardening. I found a dollar in the middle of the rose bush LOL. Several bulbs were up and this little guy too. The plan is to do the front then work my way to the back. I've just got two more sections up front to go. The bad news is that the black-eyed susans are really taking over. Who knew those gals were so aggressive? Need to lay some discipline on them. So now I'm back in the studio trying to recover. Got my package from Dick Blick with my acrylic inks from Liquitex, water soluble oil pastels, and lots more gesso. Let the games begin!

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