Thursday, December 20, 2012

The End of the World as We Know It...

Well daughter #4 thought this redecorating project signified the end of the world when she came back from college and found her big sister's room repainted and purged of all the crapola. Her comment,"It's as if you erased her.." Not quite but we have a very calming guest room now. Open to all visitors.I wished I had a before shot of daughter #2's bedroom. The difference is significant.
Next project-those dirty stairs. You try scrubbing and soaking and you still have dirty risers. Not anymore I don't! How about some lovely blackboard paint?  And I can write stuff on them too...

Since the end of the world is tomorrow, the husband and I celebrated at lunch with this beer. 9% alcohol. I had to counteract the alcoholic effect with my first real caffeine in about 4 yrs. I don't know which is worst-taking a long nap in the middle of the day or having your heart race like a jackhammer.

And finally I have been doing some painting in the studio. Made this little painting the other day. Wishful thinking I guess. There is no real snow here yet.