Wednesday, November 17, 2010

Harry Potter and the Deer Maiden

Someone Not So Busy....
Long time no write. I was busy Harry Pottering about working on decorations for the Library's Hogwarts Holiday tree. After I finished the owls (and got seriously hooked on Doctor Who and Stargate Atlantis), I worked on the sorting hat. It was a Halloween witch's hat but after distressing it with some paint and embellishing it with patches, stitching, and felt eyes and mouth-it passes for a pretty decent sorting hat/tree topper. No picture though. I took one with my phone but I'm not quite sure how to transfer it to the computer. Maybe through Picasa? Headed off to get a massage the next day and ended up laying on my back with my hands on my chest and needles poking out of them. I had some rather large knots between my thumbs and forefinger so Renee was wielding her acupuncture magic. All I can say If I don't see the needles-they are not there. So I keep my eyes closed. Sometimes when you have a massage you get some pretty strong visions while you're lying there being pummeled to death. My own personal theory is that your releasing a lot of blocked energy or badness out of your system leaving room for some interesting ideas to come through. What I thought of when I tried to lay still  and not  move my hands because of the needles, is that my hands had turned into deer hooves because I was holding them in  a C-shape. I then proceeded to tell Renee that I felt like a Japanese deer maiden. To which she replied,"WTF?" and rightly so. She told me to draw it when I got home so I did.    
A Doodle....

Tuesday, November 9, 2010

Five Little Owls and Dr. Who...

I spent a marathon day in the studio yesterday finishing up these five little guys for the Library's Christmas tree. I came out only for leftover pizza and cups of tea. Who knew sewing five little critters was so time consuming? It was rather relaxing in a way. Since I wanted to finish them this weekend, I ignored all other projects. I pulled my comfy chair up to the computer, put the owls in a tray on my lap and streamed Dr. Who and Stargate Atlantis on the computer with netflix. A perfect day. I could hear the husband hammering away on shed #3 but I was tucked in my cozy studio with my tea and Dr. Who. All I need is a mini fridge down here and I'll never come out!