Tuesday, February 26, 2013


Afternoon Snow

Not done

When I'm not painting strange women, I find my self painting strange trees... Well at least the bottom one is. Not quite finished with it yet... Wondering where to go next.

Monday, February 18, 2013

Start of Something New...

Winter storms are certainly conducive to painting. Hunkering down in your studio with a cup of coffee and something sweet. I can and I do spend hours there. Good thing we have plenty of leftovers or we al l would be starving. Here is something that is evolving from too many hours staring at Pinterest boards about geishas. I don't know why she is standing in the ferns...but we will see what happens.

Sunday, February 17, 2013

The Eyes Don't Have It...

Not mine--hers. There is something about her right eye that is killing me. My mentor, daughter #3, says she feels like she does eyes over and over again. Not very inspiring. Perhaps an eyepatch would do...I just want to put on her rusty crown, finish up and move on. Then there is the fear that her crown will just fade into the background...Oh well. I guess she'll be hanging with me a while longer.

Saturday, February 16, 2013

Into the Garden...

Well she came about when I was watching Titan A.E.on Netflix and trying to cover up a less than wonderful painting. I don't know what happened. I started out thinking I was going to paint a shadowy undefined woman with a bunch of stenciled ferns over her and then "she" showed up. I think she has a very garden of Eden air about her. I would love to place a very rustic dark wood frame about her with maybe some ivy or jungle ferns hanging from it...

Tuesday, February 12, 2013

After the snow...

Well I've spent the last few days pretending that it didn't snow too much and neglecting any painting to be done...Of course I have rid my studio of extraneous magazines, set up a jewelry making area and moved all supplies over there. Amazing how every jewelry project I start requires just ONE more thing. I have a lot of stuff, but apparently not enough. I also have geeked out a lot. I installed an app on my Kindle fire that allows me to show exactly what s on my mac monitor on my tablet. Good for photo reference since I don't want to pull the easel all the way over to the monitor and dump paint all over it. It's the simple joys in life...

Before this all began, I went on a road trip with My artistic friend AM and picked up these babies....

Still messing with her. Daughter #3 says I must work on her drapery...I just want to start adding weird crap around her.

 Raise your paw if you don't want to get any work done...

Uh oh...

Added cat escape route
Studio cats having nothing to do with winter weather...BTWs, my blog is blocked by the Chinese according to Daughter #2