Sunday, August 7, 2011

Catching up...I Think.

Well I apologize, the summer has been busy. Lots of work, lots of art, not so much gardening. I can't keep up. I am hoping after getting daughters 3 and 4 off to college, things will settle down and I'll have time to do a mass cleaning of the house, garden, and blog. Need to fix the intro. Only have 3 cats now, no rabbit, no koi, and the beta had a burial at sea this past week. Not to mention, Walter the neighbor cat, who passed  away near the house and spent the night in the garage while I located his owner. I 'm thinking we've been having bad pet luck lately. Animals steer clear! So here are the last few things I worked on for the online class. I've been looking at some digital art classes lately. Who knows? Maybe I'll play around with that for a while.


Annemarie Lemoyne said...

I still am seeing a cruise ship in the distance....only kidding, it looks really nice.

Unknown said...

A kraken is out there, not a cruise ship!