Thursday, May 6, 2010

Off for an Adventure!

Today has been a near perfect day. I say near perfect because I once wrote and essay on what my perfect perfect day would be and it included sitting in a parked car on a hot day with an ice cold diet pepsi and I did not do that today. I got up late (for me) this morning and sat in my bed with a cup of tea, a stack of magazines, and watched GMA surrounded by 3 out of 4 working cats. The phone rang and it was Annemarie with the details and status of today's adventure. Be at her house at 9:30. We were going to meet our friend and former coworker Joyce at the shop of one of her friends.There Annemarie was going to display her wares (jewelry) to Holly the owner. After that we were going to head off to Joyce's home for a house and garden tour and a choice of the many seedlings she had started over the winter. Then off for a tour of Joyce's friend Lisa home who sadly died last summer leaving Joyce all her worldly possessions. And to cap it off-lunch ! Well, we started off on track...we met Holly and her dog Remy who lived in Farmington. They were both lovely and she had a great little shop, selling everything from feed to handmade soap. We went to Joyce's home and admired home, garden, dogs and artwork.  Then off to Lisa's house where I stumbled into the fabric of dreams. One of my recurring dreams, other than the ones about being lost and unable to find my way home or back in high school and I don't know my schedule, is being in a weather beaten old barn that I know is full of treasure and possibilities. Well Lisa's barn was just like that and my God did I have fun looking and culling. Joyce generously gave us the go ahead to pull the things we would like if they already had not been spoken for. Thank God we drove a minivan. It was 3:00 before we noticed our stomachs were rumbling and we headed out to lunch. By the time I got back home it was after 5 and I was all done for the day. I unloaded my treasures into the garage to ready them for cleaning and rehab and I retreated to the deck for a little rehab/ nap for myself. All in all, a wonderful day in the neighborhood.

1 comment:

Annemarie said...

It really was a great day :) I enjoyed the adventure and even more the company. I look forward to many more adventures to come. I'll get those pictures to you this weekend.
Have a wonderful Mother's Day.