Thursday, June 17, 2010

Get Up and Get Going! Please...

Well,  it looks like the universe is conspiring to get me in the studio this week. The weather has not been stellar. I will avoid going to the grocery store this morning and ignore balancing the checkbook once again. Having an internal debate on whether or not to take my morning walk or just lift some weights. And now you know my dirty little secret, I'm still sitting in bed watching GMA. The husband brought me a coffee before he headed up to Maine to volunteer his chainsawing skills (God help them....) to clear out storm damage at a children's camp. Apparently it's a hack holiday in MA or Boston. I wonder what it's called...No Work Thursday? Need a Break in June? Who knows? Anyway, I got a cup of coffee out of it. Now I just have to get the rest of my breakfast. Maybe I'll work on my anniversary collage and do some Suzi Blu work. Time to get up and get going! In a minute.

1 comment:

Annemarie said...

sometimes you just need to take it easy, we are allowed we just forget to do it. I hope you enjoyed your coffee.