Sunday, March 27, 2011


Another one that I was unable to position.....
Farewell,little compost maker....

I feel like I'm going to have to change my "About me" segment on my blog soon. The animal attrition rate has been severe this year. Working cat Hamish died this summer so we are down to 3 working cats. This fall when it came time to shut down the barfing cat fountain, I could no longer find my angry garden koi. Suicide or murder? I do not know. Then this Thursday, our rabbit Chihiro, better known as "Buns" headed off to that great cabbage patch in the sky.... Was that what happened in Peter Rabbit? Was he found in Mr.McGregor's cabbage patch? If so, no wonder his mother gave him chamomile tea-cabbage is very bad for bunnies. However we might recoup our losses with chickens. The husband has added insulation to the coop, walled in half of the double door and put in a hatchway. Over in the studio, I have been sketching a few faces, toning down the colors in my sad girl, and I'm sorry Carrie but the blue flowers are no longer in the snow. I don't know what the heck they are doing but give me a couple of months and I might figure it out. And because blogger is so annoying with it's picture positioning...I can't place the photos where I want and I have given up. So just pretend they are in the right place.
Only the 10 millioneth time I have  tried to position this  skectch here....

Sunday, March 20, 2011

The Greening of the Garden

Working cat Macadam checking out a new batch of catmint.
We had a guest this weekend and lucky for her it was beautiful, sunny, and very unlike March in NH. Today I gave Miss Mary the grand tour of our garden. Things are already popping out of the ground and the herbs are greening up. Apparently this has already happened during the past few months in Tulsa...hmmph. The husband also impressed her with his woodworking skills and the many projects he has done around the garden. He was putting the finishing touches on shed #3 (my co-workers are convinced he's moving in there when it's finished) and he also put in a window for the soon to be chicken coop. Very little artwork was done this weekend.
Shed#3 in all it's glory.
Chicken coop with a view.
Master carpenter hard at work.

Thursday, March 10, 2011

The Doldrums of March...

Well I was thinking about the "ides of March" but when I looked it up, I discovered it only meant the date March 15 on the Roman calendar. Nothing to beware really-unless your name was Julius. So beware the doldrums of March...much more scary trying to work through a period of inactivity and mental drought. I've been doing a lot of sketching and messing around with different projects-none of which are done. All  are in various stages. There is my lost girl who went from looking like a concentration camp victim to something that looks somewhat Spanish when I decided to fool around with her colors. Now her eyes are too dark and she doesn't look nearly as upset. Oh well, it's only paint. I will fool around with her again. Then I have another girl who I think is going to turn into a gypsy or a fortune teller. She came to life on a square of wood that the husband donated to the cause from the scraps of his projects. And then there is what I guess I'll call an exercise in trust because I just pulled out a canvas before I went to the gym and painted for 10 minutes. I'll keep going on like that until I decide it's finished. Speaking of the gym, what is with old men at the gym?  Today I saw a man working out on the weight machines in a striped button down oxford and dress pants. Can he not afford a t-shirt and a pair of sweats? Then there are the men who like working out in their jeans and steel toed boots. I know Planet Fitness is supposed to be a no judgement zone, but I am judging. The working cats are getting ready to return to their garden duties. I have ordered the vegetable seeds and have removed the first tick of spring from Al. Let the season begin!