Thursday, July 29, 2010

Profiling Henry

Well I'm finally done with the 3/4 view and Queen Elizabeth and am moving on to the profile and King Henry. I've been practicing my profiles and so far my men come out fairly effeminate. Must be the lack of testosterone in the household. I also messed around with some folk art angels but they came out more like alien fairies. Oh well, practice makes perfect...Today I spent the afternoon buying libation and cheese for our Maine cottage sojourn. That's all you really need to eat because it's against the law to cook on vacation. The closest I will get to heat is to a toaster with an English muffin. Hopefully there will be coffee shops and pizza-and wireless. I like my nature with a little Internet
Angels or Fey?
I have bag full of mysteries and magazines and another packed with sketchbooks, camera and art supplies. I have not packed clothes. I will though. Later. I have prepped an unlucky teenager with a working cat feeding schedule, rabbit and fish to-dos. She has been introduced to the unending watering of a dry summer. I told her I was prepared to make the ultimate sacrifice-if it got too much, the pots could die, but please, please, keep the cats alive. So here's hoping  for a never-ending supply of lobster rolls, chips, and wine( beer if you'd rather) for the next week or so. May Nature let the creative juices flow

Wednesday, July 21, 2010

Working Cat ER

Keep working cat Hamish in your thoughts and prayers. He is a bleeder. Maybe we should have named him after a Russian prince instead of a Danish one. He got a puncture wound sometime last night in the basement and needed to visit his favorite vet clinic purring all the way. And when he got there..."Oh look who's here ? Hamish is here! Oh we love him!" Great. A celebrity with the vets. Could he be doing this on purpose? Not enough TLC at home? Or maybe he's watching Buffy or True Blood over one of the daughter's shoulders and has decided to try the vampire life on himself. This is not very savory but check out the bloody little valentine he left us. I love you too, Hammie!

Hot and Foyled

Still hot. Still working squirreled away in the cool basement. My poor garden is fried and gone to the weeds. I keep watering and one day I'll have to go out there and face the music. I wade through every once in a while to grab chives and basil and shoo one of the working cats out of the vegetable garden. Who knew it would be so hot this summer? My parents always ask us to move down to SC with them. Why bother? We have the same 90* weather here. I am a cold weather person and I love the fall season. That's what I am setting my sights on-harvest, Halloween, Thanksgiving , and Christmas. Meanwhile I am still messing with Queen Elizabeth. I added some clothes, gave her a little bit of a nose job, and am contemplating what to do with the excess space above her head. I am also getting ready to try my hand with some angel art. I watched the videos and need to order supplies. Tonight is a no- cook night. Daughters 2 & 3 are out on the town and #4 is safely ensconced at Coast Guard camp. ( I hope she likes it...) The Husband was sent out to buy food that is bad for us.When he returns, we will eat the bad food, drink beer, and watch the last episode of Foyle Season 6. I looove Mr. Foyle...So glad they decided to do an encore presentation of 3 new episodes.

Monday, July 12, 2010

A Shave and No Hair Cut

Queen of the Land of Big Hair
I think I need to buy an alternate camera battery so I have one to put in while I wait for the first one to charge. There's nothing more annoying than to be already to upload a picture from your camera on to the computer and noticing your battery is dead. Sigh...So I took some shots of my Queen Elizabeth portrait, the one with the big hair and the big nose. Shaved down the nose and left the big hair. Brush surgery! Magic. Then I put the crackle paint around the frame and am waiting for it to dry. I also tried to tidy up the studio a bit and just ended up shifting projects from one end of the table to the other. I really need to do a deep clean of the studio. Reorganize shelves and cabinets, dust, wash the floor (it's filthy!), and take all the dead ladybugs and spiders from the window sill. Though one of the working cats is quite fond of snacking on spiders. I wouldn't want to ruin his sport. I added another class from Suzi Blu also and spent the day downloading the videos on to my computer. She was going to retire her angel class and I wanted to get the instructional videos before it was too late. I can save them  for later-when I catch up...or when I slow down...