Monday, July 12, 2010

A Shave and No Hair Cut

Queen of the Land of Big Hair
I think I need to buy an alternate camera battery so I have one to put in while I wait for the first one to charge. There's nothing more annoying than to be already to upload a picture from your camera on to the computer and noticing your battery is dead. Sigh...So I took some shots of my Queen Elizabeth portrait, the one with the big hair and the big nose. Shaved down the nose and left the big hair. Brush surgery! Magic. Then I put the crackle paint around the frame and am waiting for it to dry. I also tried to tidy up the studio a bit and just ended up shifting projects from one end of the table to the other. I really need to do a deep clean of the studio. Reorganize shelves and cabinets, dust, wash the floor (it's filthy!), and take all the dead ladybugs and spiders from the window sill. Though one of the working cats is quite fond of snacking on spiders. I wouldn't want to ruin his sport. I added another class from Suzi Blu also and spent the day downloading the videos on to my computer. She was going to retire her angel class and I wanted to get the instructional videos before it was too late. I can save them  for later-when I catch up...or when I slow down...


Annemarie said...

the way the humidity has been I totally get her hair! If you let your kitty enjoy the spiders there will be less for you to clean up. I know what you mean about tiding up the place where we work. Sometimes I have to pick up my space so that I can think more clearly, less to distract me, since I get distracted so easily....

Unknown said...

Yeah, I feel your pain with the distraction. I can barely walk across the room without getting sidetracked...